Well, first of all, I am an avid book collector. Have been since I was about 15 years old. At this point, my wife and I own just over 10,000 books. That’s a lot of books! I have attached some pictures of my office (center) and my library, although I also have another 700 ‘old’ books in our master bedroom…

In September of 2020 I became a published author when I published my first book:

POWER BROKER is available at the Chapters store in Lethbridge [under “Local Authors”], direct from my printer [BLURB.ca] or from the author [CONTACT !]

Then by Christmas I published my second book, though this is not for sale to the public:

The third book I am currently writing, and am about 40% done. The plan is to publish it just before Christmas, 2021.

The fourth book will be a book about the ‘van Ewijk’, and where we lived in the Netherlands [the villages of Ewijk, Houten, Westbroek]

Our family tree currently goes back to 1725. This book is not intended for sale; it is also just for our family.

The book after that will either be a Christian ‘lifestyle’ book, or the next installments in the Great Lakes series (“Five Great Lakes, Five GREAT Stories)”: